Monday, January 17, 2011

What Does New Verizon iPhone Mean For Digital Promotions?

Digital promotions experts will call February 11, 2011 the day their industry got a big boost, the day Verizon began offering the iPhone 4 to its customers. This means that not only will the Apple operating system (OS) see an increase in market share, but it means that a lot of people will be buying their first-ever smart phones, switching over from the old standard flip phones.

Some experts believe that Verizon may sell as many as 13 million new iPhones in 2011. (1) This will be a big relief to Apple, because many industry experts were expecting the Android OS to surpass them in market share in 2011.

Digital promotions professionals should be heartened by the news, because it shows that digital promotions strategies will not only have a new channel, but many, many new subscribers. Here are a few predictions for what the iPhone will mean for them in 2011.

1) Digital promotions marketers should focus on the new iPhone users. While many of the 13 million will be people switching from AT&T to the Verizon, many more will be brand new smartphone users who are switching from the standard flip phone. Digital promotions campaigns should be geared toward new users, showing them the best ways to use their new phones, and taking advantage of a new user's willingness to try new technology. For example, a campaign that includes free gift cards to the iTunes app store would appeal greatly to a lot of new iPhone users.

2) Digital promotions marketers who are creating apps need to continue to develop for both the iPhone and Android platforms. While the two operating systems are currently running neck-and-neck (according to ComScore, Google currently has 26% market share, while Apple has 25% (2)), app developers need to focus on both platforms in order to reach large portions of their audience. (Blackberry still owns 33.5% of the market share, although it has dropped 4% in two months.)

3) Digital promotions developers need to consider HTML5. This is the new html coding language that promises to replace Flash and Javascript. HTML5 is platform-agnostic, and web-based, which means anyone can use an HTML5 site, including Blackberrys and the Windows mobile operating system. Using HTML5 for digital promotions will save the cost of developing apps (which can be as much as $50,000 for a single app on one platform), but will allow the campaign to be accessed by anyone on any operating system, including laptops.

4) Traditional digital promotions properties, like wallpapers and free song downloads, will become even more popular. Rather than listen to songs on an MP3 player, smart phones have MP3 capabilities, where people can listen to music and watch videos on their mobile phones. Now, customers can redeem their free songs, movie downloads, and wallpapers directly from their mobile phones, using an app or a company's digital promotions page.

5) Digital promotions should be more locally-focused. Google recently announced they were focusing all their development attention on mobile usage for 2011. Google has already begun offering voice search with Google Maps and a turn-by-turn GPS navigation system (still in beta), and pulling local search results into Google Places from review sites like Yelp and UrbanSpoon. This means local retailers and restaurants should begin using digital promotions to increase traffic and sales to take advantage of the multitudes of new smart phone users.

The new iPhone-Verizon deal spells all kinds of new opportunities for digital marketers. With an expected 13 million new iPhone users in 2011, it is also safe to assume the Android platform will continue to grow as well. By focusing on brand new users, making digital properties available to all platforms, and focusing on local mobile marketing, digital marketers will see some amazing successes in 2011.


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